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Prism Medico and Pharmacy Ltd.
BSE Code 512217
ISIN Demat INE730E01016
Book Value (Rs.) 24.82
Dividend Yield  % 0.00
Market Cap  (Rs. Mn) 86.71
TTM PE (x) 0.00
TTM EPS (Rs.) -0.26
Face Value (Rs.) 10  
Source DateBoard Meeting DateDetails
07-Feb-2025 14-Feb-2025 Quarterly Results
07-Nov-2024 14-Nov-2024 Quarterly Results
02-Sep-2024 05-Sep-2024 Inter alia, to consider and approve: 1. To consider and approve the Director's Report along with all necessary annexures thereof, for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2024; 2. To consider and fix day, date, time for holding the 22nd Annual General Meeting of the company and approve the notice of the same; 3. To consider and fix the date for closure of Register of Members and Share Transfer Books for the purpose of Annual General Meeting; 4. To appoint scrutinizer to conduct e-voting and poll process of 22nd Annual General Meeting of the company; 5. To consider and recommend the re-appointment of M/s. Harjeet Parvesh and Company, Chartered Accountants as the statutory auditors of the company. 6. To recommend the appointment of Mr. Hitendra Shamji Hirani (DIN: 10427309) as a Director of the company. 7. To recommend the appointment of Mr. Jay Hitendra Hirani (DIN: 10435245) as a Director of the company. 8. To consider and discuss any other routine matter or business of the company.
07-Aug-2024 14-Aug-2024 Quarterly Results
22-May-2024 29-May-2024 Audited Results
05-Feb-2024 13-Feb-2024 Quarterly Results
01-Nov-2023 08-Nov-2023 Quarterly Results
31-Aug-2023 04-Sep-2023 A.G.M. Inter-alia, to consider the following business: 1. To consider and approve the Director's Report along with all necessary annexures thereof, for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2023; 2. To consider and fix day, date, time for holding the 21st Annual General Meeting of the company and approve the notice of the same; 3. To consider and fix the date for closure of Register of Members and Share Transfer Books for the purpose of Annual General Meeting; 4. To appoint scrutinizer to conduct e-voting and poll process of 21st Annual General Meeting of the company; 5. To consider and recommend the re-appointment of M/s. Harjeet Parvesh and Company, Chartered Accountants as the statutory auditors of the company. 6. To consider and recommend the regularisation of appointment of Mr. Dinesh Kumar (DIN: 01149388) as an Independent Director of the company. 7. To consider and discuss any other routine matter or business of the company.
07-Aug-2023 14-Aug-2023 Quarterly Results
23-May-2023 30-May-2023 Audited Results
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