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Cash Flow
Future Enterprises Ltd.
BSE Code 523574
ISIN Demat INE623B01027
Book Value (Rs.) -9.57
Dividend Yield  % 0.00
Market Cap  (Rs. Mn) 413.99
TTM PE (x) 0.00
TTM EPS (Rs.) -14.90
Face Value (Rs.) 2  
  Indian Rupees Select Currency : Current Value
Type :
Rs.  in Million)
Particulars Mar 2021Mar 2020Mar 2019Mar 2018Mar 2017
Changes In working Capital-30227.5011898.50-2758.80-1812.90-1703.20
Cash Flow after changes in Working Capital-28223.7025827.5012117.3010382.808818.40
Cash Flow from Operating Activities-30059.1024577.2011248.5011135.809754.10
Cash Flow from Investing Activities35876.80-17754.40-14309.20-11886.80-7617.10
Cash Flow from Financing Activities-5549.40-8162.803451.90937.50-1974.80
Net Cash Inflow / Outflow268.30-1340.00391.20186.50162.20
Opening Cash & Cash Equivalents74.101414.101022.90836.40674.20
Cash & Cash Equivalent on Amalgamation / Take over / Merger00000
Cash & Cash Equivalent of Subsidiaries under liquidations00000
Translation adjustment on reserves / op cash balalces frgn subsidiaries00000
Effect of Foreign Exchange Fluctuations00000
Closing Cash & Cash Equivalent342.4074.101414.101022.90836.40
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