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Jamshri Realty Ltd.
BSE Code 502901
ISIN Demat INE462D01034
Book Value (Rs.) -11.68
Dividend Yield  % 0.00
Market Cap  (Rs. Mn) 1033.65
TTM PE (x) 0.00
TTM EPS (Rs.) -1.30
Face Value (Rs.) 10  
Peer Companies
Price (Rs.)
Chg (Rs.)
EPS (Rs.)
Volume (000's)
1Year Return(%)
Lux Industries 2018.2 90.35 4.69 53.94 37.31 4373 49.21
Swan Energy 719.25 87.9 13.92 0.16 0 479083 71.99
Monte Carlo Fashions 959.65 38.55 4.19 26.03 37.13 27139 38.34
Cheviot Company 1295 23.35 1.84 133.25 9.72 795 4.92
Raghuvir Synth. 235.15 21.35 9.99 2.45 96 148594 101.76
Pearl Global Inds. 1258.4 20.9 1.69 9.35 134.5 5387 102.86
Kitex Garments 742.7 20.25 2.8 17.58 42.02 58416 256.9
AYM Syntex 273.85 13 4.98 4.21 64.99 3017 289.6
Bang Overseas 79.43 12.49 18.66 -5.45 0 190325 33.36
Kapil Cotex 249.25 11.85 4.99 9.5 26.24 108 94.8
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