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Umiya Buildcon Ltd.
BSE Code 532376
ISIN Demat INE398B01018
Book Value (Rs.) 39.91
Dividend Yield  % 0.00
Market Cap  (Rs. Mn) 1114.54
TTM PE (x) 38.78
TTM EPS (Rs.) 1.54
Face Value (Rs.) 5  
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Volume (000's)
Value (lakhs)
MAR  2025 66.78 74.50 62.00 62.65 47.08 31.35
FEB  2025 82.00 90.93 62.55 64.37 104.40 84.84
JAN  2025 81.66 91.79 74.30 80.00 67.30 54.14
DEC  2024 87.04 98.90 78.75 79.95 141.95 131.98
NOV  2024 92.86 100.28 82.51 85.70 43.05 38.32
OCT  2024 105.95 110.75 82.00 92.90 364.46 359.75
SEP  2024 110.00 126.80 102.35 106.45 603.55 698.25
AUG  2024 80.50 119.46 77.71 111.04 241.44 249.15
JUL  2024 74.26 87.99 74.26 79.44 55.86 44.98
JUN  2024 81.90 84.40 75.91 76.42 62.62 49.74
MAY  2024 82.61 116.00 74.50 81.90 495.77 503.17
APR  2024 70.15 95.84 70.15 81.80 295.47 253.98
MAR  2024 80.35 90.00 55.63 71.22 213.07 156.45
FEB  2024 64.02 94.44 62.05 78.50 537.09 437.85
JAN  2024 58.20 71.00 57.35 63.53 264.70 171.90
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